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Nanomechanics Lab News
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Our study uses a novel two-component model consisting of a cell membrane and cytoskeleton network to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of different types of phagocytosis.
New research by a team of MIT engineers offers a guide for fine-tuning specific material properties.
The White House honored four MIT affiliates today with the nation’s highest awards for scientists and innovators. At a ceremony this afternoon, President Joe Biden announced the recipients of this year’s National Medals of Technology and Innovation and National Medals of Science.
With this microfluidic device, researchers modeled how sickled blood cells clog the spleen’s filters, leading to a potentially life-threatening condition.
We call upon the attention of related research communities to highlight their cutting-edge initiatives to address key materials and mechanics problems presented in engineered nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications, and equally important to propose potential new applications with the latest understanding of the nanomechanics and recent developments in nanomaterial engineering.
Four prominent scientists presented their exciting research for a more environmentally friendly and energy efficient future.
Four prominent scientists will presented their exciting research for a more environmentally friendly and energy efficient future.
In this Cover Article, the authors report a low-cost microfluidic size exclusion chromatography (μSEC) platform integrated with an on-chip nanoliter sample plug injector for direct EV isolation from human plasma. Its portable and modular design allows flexible coupling with downstream detection modules for clinical diagnostics and real-time EV process monitoring.
In this Cover Article, the authors show that organoids & organ-on-a-chip are synergistic engineering approaches linking with vascularization & innervation to faithfully reconstitute in vitro organ-level structures & functions with high structural fidelity, cellular consistency, environmental control ability, integration as well as throughput.
An international team of scientists has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) platform to assess vascular diseases, which are characterised by the abnormal condition of blood vessels.
Thanks to a painstaking feat of microscopic engineering, the team has now managed to record the biomechanical behavior of mature, individual cell-to-cell junctions.
Regular layer-by-layer 3D printing is old news compared to a new additive manufacturing technique developed by an international team of engineers.
Normally an insulator, diamond becomes a metallic conductor when subjected to large strain in a new theoretical model.
New technique allows for more precise measurements of deformation characteristics using nanoindentation tools.
New system of “strain engineering” can change a material’s optical, electrical, and thermal properties.
Analysis of blood from patients with sickle-cell disease reveals how cell clumping begins.
Diamond nanoneedles have strength approaching the theoretical maximum.
The brittle material can turn flexible when made into ultrafine needles, researchers find.